
Compared to Whites whose scores are adjusted for race, jews score: 375 points lower in SAT Math, 230 vs. 605. 35.4 points lower in NAEP Math, 251 vs. 286.4. 7.3 points lower in ACT Composite, 15 vs. 22.3. 228 points lower in GRE Quantitative, 325 vs. 553. 43 points lower in TIMSS Math, 495 vs. 538. Compared to jews in Israel: Whites in Belgium score 92 TIMSS Math and 67 TIMSS Science points higher. Asians in Singapore score 138 TIMSS Math and 100 TIMSS Science points higher. The Medical College Admission Test, taken mostly by jews, is the only standardized test that doesn't correlate with critical thinking skills. Lawyers, who are mostly jews now, score in the range of home economics majors which is 300 GRE points lower than many math, science, and engineering majors. New York and New Jersey with their high jewish population spend more than most states for education but consistently score in the lowest quartile on standardized tests. The most common misperception in the US today about jews is that they are "intelligent", with IQs of 115, compared to Whites of 100 and blacks of 85. How did this happen, since it was US immigration policy which was based on IQs just 77 years ago that caused many jews to be refused admission to the US?: Gould's most inflammatory allegation is to blame IQ testers for increasing the toll of the Holocaust. His thesis is that early IQ testers claimed Jews as a group scored low on their tests. This finding was then allegedly used to support passage of the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924, under which Jewish refugees were denied entry in the 1930s. Gould even claims that Henry H. Goddard in 1917 and Carl C. Brigham in 1923 labeled four-fifths of Jewish immigrants as ``feeble-minded . . . morons.'' By what process did jews transform from "feeble minded ... morons" to "intelligent" in only 77 years. How did this transformation benefit the US? Why are the SAT, NAEP, ACT, GRE, and other scores for jews not readily available, particularly when every other race is broken down by every demographic category you might be curious about? Why did jews complain at Harvard in 1922, when they were 21% of the freshman class that year, that they were being "discriminated against"? Why, with the support by so many jewish judges and lawyers and politicians for affirmative action, are jews now 50% of the students in the Harvard Law School at the same time that White men are vilified for "discriminating against" women and other races? What can be intelligent about this? JEWS CONTROL AMERICAN EDUCATION Consider what happened to this country immediately following the jews' involvement in our "education" process: "American blacks as well as whites, wherever they lived, reached their highest levels of educational achievement in the Thirties and early Forties during the Depression and the war years. In 1930, 80% of the blacks and 98% of the whites over 14 were literate. Nearly all black and white students in the 4th through the 12th grade could read at 4th through 12th grade levels. For teachers rarely promoted unprepared students. In contrast, scores on the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey tests show that only about 56% of the blacks and 83% of the whites over sixteen are literate. Scores on 1994 NAEP reading tests indicate that 42% of the 4th graders can't read; 72% of the 8th graders can't read 8th grade assignments; and 66% of the nation's high school seniors can't read 9th grade textbooks in any core subject." "To put it simply, schooling doesn't start, even for potential geniuses, until students learn to read. And because American teachers switched in the 1930s from reading instruction that worked for everyone to reading instruction that neuroscientists now tell us does not work for anyone, schooling has never begun for over 43 million Americans with an average 12 years of school attendance. And every year the number of high school graduates who receive diplomas they cannot read grows. Few realize it has been growing for 45 years. In 1952, Army personnel officers started hiring psychologists to interview thousands of nonreading high school graduates they mistakenly thought were faking illiteracy to stay out of the Korean War. After the psychologists told the officers that the graduates weren't faking, Defense Department administrators knew that something terrible had happened to grade school reading instruction. And they knew that it had started in the Thirties. Why they remained silent, no one knows. The switch back to reading instruction that worked for everyone should have been made then." "The numbers of illiterate American adults have jumped from 3 million with little or no schooling in the early Thirties to about 43 million with an average 12 years of school instruction in the early Nineties. The 96% literacy rate for 18 million military registrants tested during World War II dropped to nearly 80% for several million prospective recruits tested during the Korean War. This was an incredible 400% increase in illiteracy for young men in the 8 years between 1945 (the end of World War II) and 1953 (the end of the Korean War)." What happened? Was this accidental? Why is the jewish controlled media so studiously ignoring this catastrophe? Why did jews go to the US Census Bureau in 1957 and insist that jews not be listed as a separate category in any of the racial and religious demographics, thus concealing their over-representation in the "education" of our Christian children and their under-representation in high test scores and academic achievement? JEWS CONTROL IMMIGRATION POLICY It was jewish control of US immigration policy which decimated our immigration standards and enabled "feeble minded ... morons" to immigrate to this country by the millions. WHY THE LOW TEST SCORES OF NEW JERSEY AND NEW YORK? The SAT Math score of the average college bound black in 1992 was 385, which was 198 points lower than the average of 583 for all students in Iowa, many of whom were denied admission to college that year because of affirmative action for blacks. Even the average SAT Math score for students in Washington, DC, the consistently lowest scoring area of the country, year in and year out, was 56 points higher, at 441. But college bound Whites, whose SAT score was 489, also had lower SAT Math scores than the average of all students in half the states in the country, with students in Iowa scoring 94 points higher. The average students in Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Utah, Kansas, Nebraska, and Illinois scored more than 50 points higher than college bound Whites and higher even than college bound Asians. How is it possible for college bound students to score consistently lower than *average* high school graduates in half the states? Why do jews, who constitute 50% of the student body and 50% of the faculty of Harvard Law School, and thus are perhaps half of our lawyers and judges, support the admission of so many unqualified students to our once fine universities? How can the *average* scores of all students in Iowa be 94 points higher than the average score of college bound WHITES? jewsiq.gif (38954 bytes) Based on the ethnic composition of students in Iowa (90.6% Whites, 3.4% blacks, 2.4% Hispanics, 1.6% Asians, .5% Indians, and 1.5% jews), and the known average SAT scores for each race, Iowa SHOULD have scored only 490, or 93 points lower than their actual score of 583. Similarly, Nebraska scored 57 points higher than expected, Minnesota scored 89 points higher, Utah scored 72 points higher, Wyoming scored 36 points higher, North Dakota scored 96 points higher. Even more significantly, all of these states spend considerably less for education per student than New Jersey or New York do. It's impossible for the average Whites in those states to have such low average SAT scores if the average score for the entire state is so much higher. The only way this could have happened is if the Whites in those states actually have an average SAT Math score of 576, or 85 points higher than that reported by the ETS. It's also possible, but highly unlikely, that: Their education systems are simply that much better than New Jersey's and New York's, or Their spending as little as a third as much for education actually *improved* the quality of education. There are two other reasons Whites in those states probably have such higher SAT scores than the average "Whites" in the rest of the country, which is that states like New Jersey and New York include 6% more Latinos and 30% more jews in their categories for "Whites". The best fit for these western states is an SAT Math score of 590 for Whites, but this causes New Jersey's and New York's calculated scores to be 66 and 56 points higher, respectively, than their actual scores of 478 and 473. 83% of the 5.5 million jews in the US are in the Northeast and 30% and 29% of the population of New Jersey and New York who are counted as "Whites" are actually jews. The ONLY thing that can account for New Jersey's and New York's dismal SAT Math scores is that jews have an average SAT Math score of 340. There is NO other known way, with New Jersey spending 3 times as much for education ($9,225 per student per year) as these Western states, for this to happen. It explains a lot about how the jews suddenly got so "intelligent" but still don't want to brag about their test scores. And why they support the admission of blacks to universities who score hundreds of points lower than millions of more qualified Whites. And why the 1.9% of the population who are jews support affirmative action, even though they supposedly have 115 IQs. This is a much lower SAT Math score than average: 61 points lower than blacks, 121 points lower than the "average college bound White", 210 points lower than Asians, and 206 points lower than Whites in Iowa. The ACT Composite score has a similar problem, with the average scores of these Western states being proportionately higher than all "Whites" who participated in the ACT, and New Jersey and New York scoring proportionately lower than their composite average score predicts they should score. Once the ACT score for Whites is adjusted up, from 21.8 to 22.1, and that for jews is adjusted downward, from 21.8 to 20.7, all of these states score within 0.3 points of their anticipated composite average. NAEP confirms this trend. New Jersey and New York are again the exceptions to the rule--until the score for jews is adjusted--downward--considerably. After the scores for Whites are increased from 270 to 281 to match the actual scores of the Western states, and when it's presumed that the scores for jews are similar to that for Whites, New Jersey and New York score, respectively, 1 and 5 points lower than their predicted score. The only explanation for why states which spend so much for education score so low on all the standardized tests is the very low academic performance of jews. To normalize the scores for all these states requires the NAEP score for jews to be set at 265, which again is considerably lower than the average: 16 points lower than Whites, and 14 points lower than Asians. Race by State blacks Whites Hispanic Asian Indian jews New Jersey 14.60% 37.20% 12.40% 5.80% 0.10% 30.0% New York 20.30% 27.40% 17.60% 5.20% 0.50% 29.0% Nebraska 6.00% 85.40% 4.90% 1.30% 1.40% 1.0% Minnesota 5.20% 86.40% 2.20% 4.10% 1.90% 0.2% Utah 0.70% 88.40% 6.00% 2.40% 1.50% 1.0% Wyoming 1.20% 88.20% 6.20% 0.80% 2.80% 0.8% N. Dakota 0.90% 88.20% 1.10% 0.70% 8.10% 1.0% Iowa 3.40% 90.60% 2.40% 1.60% 0.50% 1.5% Scores by State SAT M original 431 491 480 580 437 491 SAT M adjusted 431 576 480 580 437 370 ACT Comp original 17 21.8 18.6 21.7 19 21.8 ACT Comp adjusted 17 22.1 18.6 21.7 19 20.7 NAEP Math original 238 270 244 279 246 270 NAEP Math adjusted 238 281 244 279 246 265 SAT Math blacks Whites Hispanic Asian Indian jews Adjusted Reported Diff New Jersey 62.9 214.3 59.5 33.6 0.4 111.0 482 478 -4 New York 87.5 157.8 84.5 30.2 2.2 107.3 469 473 4 Nebraska 25.9 491.9 23.5 7.5 6.1 3.7 559 544 -15 Minnesota 22.4 497.7 10.6 23.8 8.3 0.7 563 579 16 Utah 3.0 509.2 28.8 13.9 6.6 3.7 565 563 -2 Wyoming 5.2 508.0 29.8 4.6 12.2 3.0 563 525 -38 N. Dakota 3.9 508.0 5.3 4.1 35.4 3.7 560 583 23 Iowa 14.7 521.9 11.5 9.3 2.2 5.6 565 583 18 ACT Comp New Jersey 2.5 8.2 2.3 1.3 0.0 6.2 20.5 20.6 0.1 Nebraska 1.0 18.9 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.2 21.6 21.7 0.1 Minnesota 0.9 19.1 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.0 21.7 22 0.3 Utah 0.1 19.5 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 21.8 21.5 -0.3 Wyoming 0.2 19.5 1.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 21.7 21.6 -0.1 N. Dakota 0.2 19.5 0.2 0.2 1.5 0.2 21.7 21.4 -0.3 Iowa 0.6 20.0 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.3 21.8 22 0.2 NAEP Math New Jersey 34.7 104.5 30.3 16.2 0.2 79.5 265 270 4.2 New York 48.3 77.0 42.9 14.5 1.2 76.9 261 261 0.0 Nebraska 14.3 240.0 12.0 3.6 3.4 2.7 276 276 -0.2 Minnesota 12.4 242.8 5.4 11.4 4.7 0.5 277 275 -1.8 Utah 1.7 248.4 14.6 6.7 3.7 2.7 278 277 -0.7 Wyoming 2.9 247.8 15.1 2.2 6.9 2.1 277 272 -4.9 N. Dakota 2.1 247.8 2.7 2.0 19.9 2.7 277 281 3.9 Iowa 8.1 254.6 5.9 4.5 1.2 4.0 278 278 -0.2 Of course jews don't want anyone to know about this. Such scores ARE evidence that jews really are "feeble minded ... morons". LAWYERS' LOW TEST SCORES With jews being 50% of law school admissions and 50% of law professors at Harvard Law School, how else can it be explained that the GRE test scores of lawyers are so low? The score for lawyers of 496 is in the range of home economics and social worker majors, and 170-250 points lower than math, engineering, and physics majors. If jews are only 30% of those who take the GRE, and if the only reason for the low test scores for lawyers is race, then jewish men must score 360 and jewish women must score 290, for an average of 325. If they're 46% of the test takers, then their scores must be 436 and 366, respectively, for an average of 401. jewsiq4.gif (55796 bytes) ISRAEL'S LOW TEST SCORES With Israel's current immigration policy limiting immigration only to jews, and nobody else, it's the perfect place to measure the average intelligence of jews, particularly with objective, credible tests like TIMSS math, in which Israel received one of the lowest scores in the world, at 466. This was even lower than the US score of 506, which was *after* the jews implemented the "education" principles which destroyed our education system and caused SAT scores to plunge 98 points. Once adjusted for the padding in the scores, and normalized against jews at 1.0, it's easy to detect the correlation between these widely disparate and independent tests. When the test scores for Turkey are used to represent mulattoes, Belgium to represent Whites, Chile to represent Hispanics and Indians, Japan to represent Asians, and Israel to represent jews, the ratio between the different races in each of these 4 tests is strikingly similar. These tests show that Asians and Whites outperform jews by 2.4 times on SAT Math, 1.4 and 1.3 respectively in ACT Composite, 2.1 and 1.9 times in NAEP Math, and 2.4 and 2.7 times in TIMSS Math. blacks Whites Hispanic Asian Indian jews SAT math 1.4 2.4 1.7 2.4 1.4 1.0 ACT comp 0.0 1.4 0.4 1.3 0.5 1.0 NAEP math -0.8 2.1 -0.4 1.9 -0.3 1.0 TIMSS math 0.4 2.4 -0.1 2.7 -0.1 1.0 MCAT SCORES AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS DON'T CORRELATE These low test scores, coupled with the over-representation of jews as American doctors, are the only explanation for the fact that most standardized test scores for high school and college students correlate very well with a number of different tests designed to measure critical thinking skills--but that the MCAT shows almost no correlation. It also is the perfect explanation for why we spend twice as much for "health care" as a percent of GDP as countries like Japan and Australia whose men have a four year longer life expectancy than our men. It also explains why these jew doctors were so easily deceived by the polio and Ritalin hoaxes, which contributed greatly to the US having the world's highest incarceration rate. THIS EXPLAINS THE EINSTEIN HOAX! There is no longer any need to speculate about why Einstein felt the need to plagiarize all of his writings. THE REAL POPULATION OF JEWS? Comparing the official jewish population in states with the highest jewish population, New Jersey, New York, and Maryland (5.7%, 9.1%, and 4.1%), to the states with some of the highest SAT math scores, Minnesota, Utah, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Iowa, produces an interesting result. When the SAT scores reported by the ETS for each race are used, the Western states score an average of 84 points higher than their racial composition suggests that their composite average should be, whereas NY and NJ score 8 points lower than their estimated composite average. To compensate for the high scores of these Western states, the average SAT scores for Whites must be increased by 86 points, to 577, but this causes the estimated composite scores of the Eastern states to be 50 points higher than their actual scores. Not even adjusting the scores for jews to zero makes up for this difference--with an SAT score for jews of 0, these states still score 19 points lower than their estimated composite average. Adjusting the scores for blacks downward 151 points to 280 and assuming that jews score in the same range as blacks resolves this differential in these Eastern states--but then the estimated composite scores in the Western states are 21 points higher than the actual scores reported by ETS. To compensate for this, the scores for Whites must be increased another 21 points, to 598. The scores for Hispanics, Asians,and Indians can be adjusted in a similar manner, but their populations in these states are too small to impact this composite average. If it's assumed that race is the only factor in these differences in SAT scores between states, the following estimates are required to normalize these scores. The first column is the adjusted score and the second column is the original score reported by ETS: 605 491 Whites 230 431 blacks 480 460 Hispanics 610 580 Asians 437 437 Indians 230 491 jews The scores for blacks and jews can't be adjusted any lower than this, because this is the minimum score someone would get if they just guessed on each question on the SAT. Adjusting the Asian score higher or the Indian or Hispanic score lower doesn't change the composite score by much--though it's probable that their real scores are as different from those reported by ETS as the scores for Whites and blacks. There are only three other possible options to explain this disparity: The actual percentage of jews in these states is considerably higher than the official estimates. The presence of jews in White schools seriously eroded the education quality of Whites. Or both. NAEP Math Using the NAEP Math scores reported by the NCES by race and state, these Western states again score higher than their composite average scores by race, and the Eastern states score lower (4.2 points vs. -2 points). To normalize these states requires scores for Whites to be increased 4.4 points to 286.4 and for jews to be decreased 31 points to 251, which creates a racial gap of 35.4 points between Whites and jews. In this case, the scores for jews are higher than for blacks, by 8 points. 286.4 282.0 Whites 243.0 243.0 blacks 251.0 251.0 Hispanics 274.0 274.0 Asians 264.0 264.0 Indians 251.0 282.0 jews ACT COMPOSITE The ACT scores for these Western states are an average of 1/2 point higher than their composite scores based on ACT scores by race, while those for New Jersey are 1/2 point lower. In order to normalize these states, ACT scores for Whites must be increased from 21.8 to 22.3, and those for jews must be decreased by 6.8 points to 15. This puts jews 2 points lower than blacks and 6.7 points lower than Asians: 22.3 21.8 Whites 17.0 17.0 blacks 18.6 18.6 Hispanics 21.7 21.7 Asians 19.0 19.0 Indians 15.0 21.8 jews It's been argued by educators that one of the main factors in the differences between states in standardized test scores is the difference in the percent of test takers in each state. This makes the unwarranted presumption that only the top students take the tests and that fewer test takers will increase the average score because they are the ones with higher than average academic skills. If this were the case, then New Jersey would be the highest scoring state in ACT Composite, bar none, because only half of its 18 year olds graduate from high school in the first place, and only 4% of its high school graduates take the ACT. This theory would mean that the 2% of New Jersey's 18 year olds who ultimately participate in ACT should be the creme de la creme of academia--so we must ask why it is that the uppermost ranks of the 31% of New Jersey's high school students who complete their core course work score significantly LOWER than the average White student in the country (21.5 vs. 21.8), 1.3 points lower than home schooled students, and 1.5 points lower than the 69% of Iowa's students who participated in ACT. Why do the upper 98th percentile of New Jersey's students score 1.5 points lower than the lower third percentile of Iowa's students? The only possible explanation is that a good percentage if not the majority of the "White" students in New Jersey are made up of everybody but Whites--namely jews and Hispanics. When a state by state comparison is made, there's little to no correlation between the percent of ACT test takers and ACT scores, so ACT scores by state are almost independent of the percent of test takers. jewsiq2.gif (27726 bytes) For those who believe that a 1.5 point difference is not a big difference, it should be noted that the real base score in ACT Composite is 17--no group or state scores lower than 17, not even Washington, DC, who scores at the bottom of all tests, and 17.8 in ACT Composite. So the difference is not 21.5 for New Jersey and 23 for Iowa (an apparent 7% difference), but 3.7 versus 5 (an actual 35% difference)--and many of the highest scoring states spend half as much for education as New Jersey does. jewsiq3.gif (32320 bytes) Why did the jewish controlled NYT broadcast in their headlines that Israel, which is full of jews, scored only 466 in TIMSS math? We score VERY low in TIMSS, 56 points lower than Belgium, but jews scored another 36 points lower than us. Even though jews are a RACE, not just a religion, these scores are all we have for jews. Why would American jews score HIGHER than Whites in the US, when Israeli jews scored 92 points lower than Whites in Belgium? > In "The Bell Curve" authors Herrnstein and Murray write > "Jews--specifically, Ashkenazi Jews of European origins--test higher > than any other ethnic group. A fair estimate seems to gbe that the > Jews in America and Britain have an overall IQ mean somewhere between > a half and a full standard deviation above the mean. " page 275 citing > Storfer 1990 Intelligence and Giftedness. > Which source is the most accurate? If this paragraph is true, and if there is any relationship at all between "IQ" and standardized test scores, then: 1) Why do jews in Israel score 92 points lower than Whites in Belgium? 2) How can we possibly explain the LOW low test scores of New Jersey when blacks make up only 14% to 18% of the students there? What other than jews can explain the difference? 3) Why are the GRE quantitative scores of lawyers, who are mostly jews, in the same range as social workers and home economics majors? They score 496, which is 169 points lower than physical science majors, 179 points lower than computer science majors, and 221 points lower than physics majors. This is pretty DUMB for professionals who're supposed to be so smart. 4) How did jews transition from "feeble minded ... morons", to IQs a standard deviation higher than Whites in only 77 years ? 5) Why are MCAT scores, which are taken mainly by jews, almost completely uncorrelated with tests for critical thinking skills? 6) How else can we explain that jews seem to be so universally STUPID?

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