korean japan america ww2 history geopolitics

The reason why the Korean government promotes anti-Japanese propaganda is because they wanted to diminish their trade deficit with Japan during their industrial development, and because they had to hate on someone and they could not afford to have the Korean people hate on Americans, which were the true pigs of WW2. I am Korean and I know this as a fact. Japan was the only imperial power who was willing to develop the heavy industries in their colonies, Japan invested more money in Korea than in itself during the same phase of development. Japan abolished many discriminatory laws against the Korean lower caste people. The true pigs were the Americans who wanted to continue their system of White supremacy across the globe. The reason Korea didn't promote anti American propaganda is because it needed to American capital and needed to have the U.S. as a major trade partner in order to develop itself. Japan did not want to annex China, it wanted to fight against Communism because it was a threat to their plan of creating a free investment zone for all Asian people based on the Japanese yen. The Communists in China who were winning didn't want foreign capital or capitalism. They wanted to build a repressive economic system based on the restriction of trade and capital.

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