foreign-born scientists

Scientists and engineers making exceptional contributions to the physical sciences. Regardless of benchmark date or indicator, we find the foreign-born to be disproportionately represented among those making exceptional contributions in the physical sciences (Table 6). For example, more than half (55.6%) of the outstanding authors in the physical sciences are foreign-born compared to just 20.4% of physical scientists in the scientific labor force as of 1980 (Table 1). We also find that the foreign-educated are disproportionately represented for a number of the indicators = among the most-cited and outstanding authors, as well as first authors of hot papers.

Indicative of the future, the foreign-born made up over half of doctorate scientists and engineers under the age of 45 in 2000 and 57 percent of post-doctorate workers. Nearly 60 percent of the growth in the number of PhD scientists and engineers in the country in the 1990s came from the foreign-born

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