Evil exists only in relation to good. Jung discarded privatio boni with the logical argument that if "good" is real, its opposite must also be real, with the same "relative" reality of any pairs of opposites, such as left and right, or white and black. Buddhism and Hinduism refer to this fundamental condition of the universe as "duality"; good does not exist except in relation to evil, just as the word "up" has no meaning without the notion of the word "down." Taoism offers the idea that the tao is a balanced state in which neither good nor evil exist; it is only when we become aware of "good" that we must also simultaneously become aware of "evil."
>christianity had a very narrow view of morality, that's why christianism led to all sorts of violence, because it did not have a good understanding of how the notion of good and bad is relative. it didn't preach tolerance, it preached violence. the fact is good and bad are both necessary to maintain harmony within the world. a society that's purely good cannot sustain in a world that's finite.
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