Asians are actually more neurotic and less conscientious than Whites, and thus more cognitively similar to Nobel Prize laureates disproving racist White supremacist claims

We  found  a  significant  and  moderately  sized  main  effect  of  nation  on  Agreeableness,F(55, 17,346)=29.36,p<.001,η2=.09. The most agreeable nations were the Democratic Republic  of  the  Congo  and  Jordan,  whereas  Japan  and  Lithuania  scored  the  lowest  on Agreeableness.  Nation  had  a  moderate  main  effect  on  the  BFI  Conscientiousness  factor scores,F(55, 17,334)=30.90,p<.001,η2=.09.  The  top  nations  in  Conscientiousness were the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia, whereas Japan and South Korea scored the lowest. A small to moderate main effect of nation was observed on the trait of Neuroticism,F(55, 17,338)=17.03,p<.001,η2=.05.  Table  5  shows  that  the  highest national scores on the BFI Neuroticism scale were from Japan and Argentina, whereas the lowest  national  levels  of  Neuroticism  were  obtained  from  Democratic  Republic  of  the Congo and Slovenia. Respondents from Chile and Belgium rated themselves as the most open to experience, whereas the people of Japan and Hong Kong described themselves as extremely low in Openness. The main effect of nation on Openness was also statistically significant and moderate in size,F(55, 17,239)=23.94,p<.001,η2=.07

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