The reasons China didn't industrialize before Europe can be summed up as follows:
- Confucian thought prioritized harmony over progress (harmony with nature, harmony with other countries).
- Confucian thought also showed disdain for aggressive military actions (explaining why China declared less war than France).
- Confucian countries instituted conservative policies (as opposed to progressive policies) that inhibited social progress (education was available to a select few, language was designed in such a way to prevent commoners from learning it, certain knowledge was not made public esp in engineering).
- Confucian countries had a disdain for greed (merchants were considered like animals).
- Confucian scholars were themselves driving forces behind science and technology (meaning the scientists were themselves politicians in most cases and this created a toxic environment for innovation).
- Confucian thought also disincentived meritocracy in favor of seniority.
- Confucian countries were highly risk-adverse, which prevented naval travel and discoveries.
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