japan ww2 race strategy propaganda
In an effort to exacerbate racial tensions in the United States, the
Japanese enacted what was titled, "Negro Propaganda Operations."[42] This plan, created by Yasuichi Hikida, the director of Japanese propaganda for Black Americans, consisted of three areas.[42]
First was gathering information pertaining to Black Americans and their
struggles in America, second was the use of Black prisoners of war in
the propaganda, and third was the use of short-wave radio broadcasts.[42]
Through shortwave radio broadcasts, Japanese used their own radio
announcers and African American POWs to spread propaganda to the United
States. Broadcasts focused on U.S. news stories involving racial
tension, such as the Detroit Race riots and lynchings.[43][44]
For example, one broadcast commented, "notorious lynchings are a rare
practice even among the most savage specimens of the human race."[42] In an effort to gain more listeners, POWs would be allowed to address family members back home.[43]
The Japanese believed propaganda would be the most effective if they
used African American POWs to communicate to African Americans back
home. Using programs titled "Conversations about Real Black POW
Experiences" and "Humanity Calls", POWs would speak on the conditions of
war, and their treatment in the military. POWs with artistic strengths
were used in plays and or songs that were broadcast back home.[42] The success of this propaganda is much debated, as only a small minority of people in America had shortwave radios.[43]
Even so, some scholars believe that the Negro Propaganda Operations,
"evoked a variety of responses within the Black community and the sum
total of these reactions forced America’s government to improve
conditions for Blacks in the military and society."[42]
Even the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People) saw the propaganda as, "...a media tool in the struggle against
racial discrimination".[42] Despite these debates both sides agree that these programs were particularly dangerous because of their foundation in truth.[42][43][44]
asian culture harmony nature ecology
This is the distinguishing feature of Confucian ecological ethics: it
does not give humans dominion over nature, nor does it sacrifice human
development at the altar of pristine nature. Confucians maintain the
oneness of humankind and nature, the harmony and unity between the two.
The Doctrine of the Mean says: "Attaining equilibrium, heaven and
earth will be in their right places and all things will come into
being."(20) In handling relations between the human and natural worlds,
people need to observe the principle of ‘equilibrium’, so that the
vitality and harmony of nature, the ecological balance of the natural
environment, can be maintained properly.
who is more creative creativity chinese europeans westerners documentary youtube
Students in Denmark vs China: who are more innovative (English subtitled)
Published on Dec 15, 2014
a innovation test by a Danish TV program
Chinese students vs Danish students, who are more innovative
who are more tean-working
Chinese students vs Danish students, who are more innovative
who are more tean-working
neoteny skull
Ashley Montagu claimed "the skeleton of the classic Mongoloid type is very delicately made, even down to the character of the sutures
of the skull which, like those of the infant skull, are relatively
smooth and untortuous. In fact the Mongoloid presents so many physical
traits which are associated with the late fetus or young infant that he
has been called a fetalized, infantilized or pedomorphic type. Those who
have carefully observed young babies may recall that the root of the
nose is frequently flat or low as in Mongoloids, and that an internal epicanthic fold
in such instances is usually present. The smaller number of individual
head hairs and the marked hairlessness of the remainder of the body are
infantile traits, as are likewise the small mastoid processes, the shallow fossa into which the jawbone fits (the mandibular fossa), the rather stocky build, the large brain-pan and brain, lack of brow ridges, and quite a number of other characters."[5]
Stephen Oppenheimer of the Institute of Cognitive & Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford University said that "An interesting hypothesis put forward by paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould many years ago was that the package of the Mongoloid anatomical changes could be explained by the phenomenon of neoteny, whereby an infantile or childlike body form is preserved in adult life. Neoteny in hominids is still one of the simplest explanations of how we developed a disproportionately large brain so rapidly over the past few million years. The relatively large brain and the forward rotation of the skull on the spinal column, and body hair loss, both characteristic of humans, are found in foetal chimps. Gould suggested a mild intensification of neoteny in Mongoloids, in whom it has been given the name pedomorphy. Such a mechanism is likely to involve only a few controller genes and could therefore happen over a relatively short evolutionary period. It would also explain how the counterintuitive retrousse [turned up at the end] nose and relative loss of facial hair got into the package". "[D]ecrease unnecessary muscle bulk, less tooth mass, thinner bones and smaller physical size; ...this follows the selective adaptive model of Mongoloid evolution".[69]
Richard Grossinger wrote that "The intuition that advanced human development was pedomorphic rather than recapitulationary and accelerated was disturbing to many Eurocentric nineteenth century anthropologists."[53] "If juvenilization was the characteristic for advanced status, then it was clear that the Mongoloid races were more deeply fetalized in most respects and thus capable of the greatest development."[53]
Stephen Oppenheimer of the Institute of Cognitive & Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford University said that "An interesting hypothesis put forward by paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould many years ago was that the package of the Mongoloid anatomical changes could be explained by the phenomenon of neoteny, whereby an infantile or childlike body form is preserved in adult life. Neoteny in hominids is still one of the simplest explanations of how we developed a disproportionately large brain so rapidly over the past few million years. The relatively large brain and the forward rotation of the skull on the spinal column, and body hair loss, both characteristic of humans, are found in foetal chimps. Gould suggested a mild intensification of neoteny in Mongoloids, in whom it has been given the name pedomorphy. Such a mechanism is likely to involve only a few controller genes and could therefore happen over a relatively short evolutionary period. It would also explain how the counterintuitive retrousse [turned up at the end] nose and relative loss of facial hair got into the package". "[D]ecrease unnecessary muscle bulk, less tooth mass, thinner bones and smaller physical size; ...this follows the selective adaptive model of Mongoloid evolution".[69]
Richard Grossinger wrote that "The intuition that advanced human development was pedomorphic rather than recapitulationary and accelerated was disturbing to many Eurocentric nineteenth century anthropologists."[53] "If juvenilization was the characteristic for advanced status, then it was clear that the Mongoloid races were more deeply fetalized in most respects and thus capable of the greatest development."[53]
Ashley Montagu said that the "Mongoloid skull, whether Chinese or Japanese" is the most neotenized human skull,[5] and Montagu added that "Chinese peoples" are "perhaps" the best representatives of neoteny out of the Mongoloids.[40] Montagu further said that the "European" skull was less neotenized than the Mongoloid, with the "Australian Aborigine" skull less neotenized than the European and the Neanderthal skull even less neotenized than the Australian Aborigine skull.[5] Montagu said that humans have more neotenized skulls than Australopithecus[17] and gorillas.[40]
trilateral patent japan invention most innovative
Although it is the single best available measure of innovation output, patent numbers are an imperfect proxy for overall innovation activity. Firms often choose to keep innovations that are commercially sensitive a secret; the propensity to patent may also vary according to the costs of patenting; and many patents may never be implemented commercially. Patents may even obstruct innovation on occasion if they slow the diffusion of knowledge or pose prohibitive barriers to market entry. Inventions, moreover, do not all have the same value. The value distribution of patents is skewed: a few patents have a high value, whereas many have lower values. However, since there are no generally recognised, easily applicable methods for measuring the value of patents, researchers merely count the number of patents meeting various criteria. International comparisons are also affected by differences in procedures and standards across patenting offices. For example, in Japan, a different patent application had until recently to be submitted for each claim; in other countries multiple claims can be made in each application. This helps in part to explain the much larger level of patenting applications in Japan. One patent measure that reduces some of these problems, and that has been widely used in international comparisons, is that of the so-called triadic patent families. Triadic patents are those that have been applied for at the EPO, the JPO, and granted by the USPTO to protect the same invention. The triadic patents are counted on the basis of the earliest priority year—the year in which a patent was first applied for at any patent office.However, although triadic patents are in some ways easier to compare across countries, they cover only a small subset of total patents. They are also biased towards high-technology fields and thus may present a skewed picture of total innovation performance. We thus construct another patent measure as the sum of patents applied for by, or granted to, a country’s applicants by regional centres—that is the USPTO, the EPO and the JPO. This measure differs from the triadic patents measure in that patents do not have to have been filed in all three offices to be counted. It has been argued that there is an upward bias in JPO patent data, which will bias upward data for patents granted to Japanese innovators in particular. However, Japan would be only marginally behind the US even if we took only USPTO data (as opposed to combing EPO, USPTO and JPO data); Japan comes top on triadic patents and also on our alternative composite innovation performance indicator. We have nevertheless corrected for a possible “Japan patents effect” by assuming that the maximum value that the index can take, with a top score of 10, is based on 800 patents per million population. This is below the actual value for Japan of 1,275 to allow for the fact that until recently Japan required a different patent application for each claim.
personality traits of geniuses
The investigation into the psychological characteristics of eminent scientists began with Francis Gallon (1869,1874). His pioneering work was expanded by Cattell (1903, 1910), Havelock Ellis (1904), Cox (1926), Roe (1952), Cattell and Drevdahl (1955), Terman (1955), and by Taylor and Barron (1962), and others (see Jackson & Rushton, 1987, and Sulloway, 1996, for reviews). From this growing body of research it became clear that successful scientists are not at all "Saint-like" in either their personality or work style. They often display reclusive personalities, arrogant work styles, hostile responses to frustration, and intrinsic motivations bordering on autism. For instance, Terman's (1955) longitudinal study of 800 high-IQ men found that those who took science degrees at college differed from nonscientists in showing great intellectual curiosity from an early age and in being lower in sociability than average. Terman concluded that "the bulk of scientific research is carried on by devotees of science for whom research is their life and social relations are comparatively unimportant" (p. 7). Cited is the work of Roe (1952), who found scientists to have difficulty in interpersonal situations and to often try to avoid them. Terman described Roe's sample of scientists as tending "to be shy, lonely, slow in social development, and indifferent to close personal relationships, group activities, or politics" (p. 7; see chapter 20 for details). Terman noted that such traits were not necessarily defects of personality, for emotional breakdowns were no more common than among nonscientists. Instead, he suggested that a below-average interest in social relations and a heavy concentration of interest in the objective world was a normal departure from average that was decidedly favorable for the professional development of a scientist. Cattell's (1962, 1965) and Cattell and Drevdahl's (1955) profile of the prototypic scientist emerges from both the qualitative study of biographies and from quantitative psychometric studies of leading physicists, biologists, and psychologists. Cattell found successful scientists to be reserved and introverted, intelligent, emotionally stable, dominant, serious-minded, expedient, venture- some, sensitive, radically thinking, self-sufficient, and having a strong and exacting self-concept. He noted that the physicists, biologists, and psychologists were similar in personality except that psychologists were less serious-minded and more "surgent" and talkative than nonpsychologists. Creative scientists differed most from normals on schizothymia-cyclothymia factor, with scientific researchers being toward the schizothymic end. Cattell thus describes scientists as being skeptical, internally preoccupied, precise, and critical individuals who are exacting and reliable. Several studies were carried out by Barren and his colleagues (Barron, 1962; Taylor & Barron, 1962). Barron, for example, found creative people generally to be cognitively complex (preferring complexity and imbalance in pheno- mena), to have a more differentiated personality structure, to be independent in their judgment and less conformist in social contexts such as the Asch group pressure situation, to be self-assertive and dominant, and to be low in using suppression as a mechanism for the control of impulses and thoughts (that is, they forbade themselves fewer thoughts). Chambers (1964) compared eminent researchers with those not so eminent but matched on other relevant variables. Results indicated that the more creative scientists were also more dominant, had more initiative, were more self-sufficient, and were more motivated toward intellectual success. McClelland (1962) found successful scientists to be not only higher in need for achievement but also to be calculating risk-takers in the same way as are successful business entrepreneurs. The risk-taking, however, involved dealing with nature or physical situations rather than social situations, for he, too, found scientists to be decidedly avoidant of interpersonal relationships. Scientists, for instance, indicated a much higher preference for being a lighthouse keeper as opposed to being a headwaiter (Item no. 324 on the Strong Vocational Interest Blank). McClelland also argued that the need for scientific achievement was a strong aggressive drive "which is normally kept carefully in check and diverted into taking nature apart" (1962, p. 162). In short, the scientist is "introverted and bold" (Drevdahl & Cattell, 1958)
psychotism and intelligence
Psychoticism is the active ingredient in Eysenck's theory of creativity. Postulated as a fundamental dimension of personality, psychoticism inclines people to all types of abnormal behaviors (see Figure 19.2, and chapter 6). Low scorers on the psychoticism scale are characterized as high in empathy, socialization, and co-operativeness whereas high scorers are seen as cold, egocentric, aggressive, and tough-minded (and given to syndromes such as psychopathy and schizophrenia). Here Eysenck follows the theory that people who are highly original and creative differ from the vast majority in showing behavioral quirks similar to those of schizophrenics and other psychotics. Behavior-genetic studies suggest a common hereditary basis for great potential and for psychopathological deviation (see chapters 6, 12, and 17).
japan treatment of prisoners before ww2
McCaul concluded her inspection with praise: "I had witnessed a treatment of their enemies which would reflect the greatest credit on any nation. The Russians were being treated as guests of the country, not mere prisoners of war. " Seaman also was impressed." In the treatment of her prisoners, [Japan] had not only surpassed all previous records, but had established a new standard of humanity for the nations of the future. " Based on various reports of foreign representatives regarding the treatment of Russian prisoners, the Belgian minister in Tokyo . Baron d'Anethan, summed up the general view of his contemporary observers:
The solicitude of the Japanese for the Russian wounded and prisoners is ... admirable ... The myth of Japanese hatred for the foreigner will vanish like many other myths unfavorable to Japan by the very testimony of her enemies, who will bear witness to the humanitarian feelings of their conquerors. The image of the able Japanese military heroes constructed m the We stern reports contrasted sharply with foreign perceptions of Japan prior to the Russo-Japanese War, when Western media had depicted Japanese military, dressed in ill-fitting uniforms. with contempt and sarcasm. Frequently the very sight of Japanese soldiers "evoked loud laughter among Western observers," who perceived them as feminine and childish. "Europeans think it is very funny that on the march on hot days every Japanese soldier should use a fan, "the Tokyo-based German physician Erwin Baelz wrote. The British writer and poet of imperialism Rudyard Kipling, who had visited Japan in 1889 and 1892, agreed that the delicate fans and tea sets he noticed in an army barracks in Osaka did "not go with one 's notion of a barrack." Although he noted that the Japanese soldier "makes a trim little blue-jacket," he concluded "he does not understand soldiering."
The solicitude of the Japanese for the Russian wounded and prisoners is ... admirable ... The myth of Japanese hatred for the foreigner will vanish like many other myths unfavorable to Japan by the very testimony of her enemies, who will bear witness to the humanitarian feelings of their conquerors. The image of the able Japanese military heroes constructed m the We stern reports contrasted sharply with foreign perceptions of Japan prior to the Russo-Japanese War, when Western media had depicted Japanese military, dressed in ill-fitting uniforms. with contempt and sarcasm. Frequently the very sight of Japanese soldiers "evoked loud laughter among Western observers," who perceived them as feminine and childish. "Europeans think it is very funny that on the march on hot days every Japanese soldier should use a fan, "the Tokyo-based German physician Erwin Baelz wrote. The British writer and poet of imperialism Rudyard Kipling, who had visited Japan in 1889 and 1892, agreed that the delicate fans and tea sets he noticed in an army barracks in Osaka did "not go with one 's notion of a barrack." Although he noted that the Japanese soldier "makes a trim little blue-jacket," he concluded "he does not understand soldiering."
The point is that you need the right amount of progressive thinking to
unlock a people's full potential. Too little and you get a stagnant
society, too much and you get the planet of the apes. Look at what
progressive culture did to the West. The West is full of dwebs are
retarded cuckolds who gets excited that a nerd like me gets banned by
some butthurt faggot mod.
regression to the mean and intelligence
You seem to be retarded so let me explain. The reason why claiming that
regression to the mean also applies for IQ is dumb is because
intelligence is not purely determined by genetic factors, even gray
matter density in certain region of the brain, which is a major
correlate of intelligence is partly environmental. This is why the
concept is misapplied here. Not to mention that different subgroups
within a racial group have different mean IQ scores.
why China never industrialized
The reasons China didn't industrialize before Europe can be summed up as follows:
- Confucian thought prioritized harmony over progress (harmony with nature, harmony with other countries).
- Confucian thought also showed disdain for aggressive military actions (explaining why China declared less war than France).
- Confucian countries instituted conservative policies (as opposed to progressive policies) that inhibited social progress (education was available to a select few, language was designed in such a way to prevent commoners from learning it, certain knowledge was not made public esp in engineering).
- Confucian countries had a disdain for greed (merchants were considered like animals).
- Confucian scholars were themselves driving forces behind science and technology (meaning the scientists were themselves politicians in most cases and this created a toxic environment for innovation).
- Confucian thought also disincentived meritocracy in favor of seniority.
- Confucian countries were highly risk-adverse, which prevented naval travel and discoveries.
- Confucian thought prioritized harmony over progress (harmony with nature, harmony with other countries).
- Confucian thought also showed disdain for aggressive military actions (explaining why China declared less war than France).
- Confucian countries instituted conservative policies (as opposed to progressive policies) that inhibited social progress (education was available to a select few, language was designed in such a way to prevent commoners from learning it, certain knowledge was not made public esp in engineering).
- Confucian countries had a disdain for greed (merchants were considered like animals).
- Confucian scholars were themselves driving forces behind science and technology (meaning the scientists were themselves politicians in most cases and this created a toxic environment for innovation).
- Confucian thought also disincentived meritocracy in favor of seniority.
- Confucian countries were highly risk-adverse, which prevented naval travel and discoveries.
google science citations statistics
Actually, it's a myth since most post-grads in the U.S. are Chinese and Indians and Asians nowadays dominate in science even though there are more White scientists. They also make up for more than half of the technological breakthroughs nowadays.
It's just a myth created to make people good about their kids not succeeding in life.
And I didn’t even mention how the Indian and Chinese youngsters are completely dominating their White counterparts as heavily discriminated minorities.
It's just a myth created to make people good about their kids not succeeding in life.
And I didn’t even mention how the Indian and Chinese youngsters are completely dominating their White counterparts as heavily discriminated minorities.
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