This study compared head and structural
brain development of Chinese children and adolescents with American
age-related children and adolescents. The brains and heads of Chinese
participants showed differences in morphological features (e.g., length,
width, and height) compared with their American counterparts. Overall,
Chinese children's brains and heads were shorter, wider, and taller than
U.S. children's. The total head, intracranial, and cerebral volumes
showed different patterns of change over age for the Chinese and U.S.
children. Total head volume showed a linear increase with age for both
Chinese and U.S. children, but U.S. children revealed a steeper slope
than Chinese children. Intracranial and total brain volume showed an
inverted U-shaped pattern for Chinese and U.S. children, but peaked at
different ages. The overall volume of both GM and WM had similar
developmental trajectories for Chinese and U.S. children, with some
differences in the peak of the inverted-U function for the two
nationalities. Regional GM comparisons showed differences in
developmental patterns and volume between the two nationalities for the
temporal and occipital lobes, while those for the frontal and parietal
lobes were more similar between the nationalities. Finally, our detailed
comparisons of 50 LPBA40 cortical structures between Chinese and U.S.
children showed regional differences in both brain volume and
developmental patterns.
Brain and head morphometric
measurements confirmed our first hypothesis that Chinese and U.S.
children and adolescents would be different in brain and head shape,
size, and developmental patterns. These findings were consistent with
results from comparisons of head and brain structures in Asian and North
American adults (Lee et al., 2005; Tang et al., 2010).
Specifically, Chinese children's brains were shorter, wider, and taller
than age-related U.S. children, which mirror findings from direct
comparisons of Chinese and North American adult brains (Tang et al., 2010).
We did not find differences in the AC-PC distance between Chinese and
U.S. children and adolescents, which we expected based on results
reported by Tang et al. (2010).
Perhaps the developmental patterns of the AC-PC distance in the two
populations diverge after adolescence. The developmental trajectory of
brain height was different between these two nationalities, while brain
and head length and width showed similar developmental patterns. Future
studies may investigate these features in younger children or even
infants to better understand when these trajectories start to diverge.
Differences in brain and head morphological features and developmental
patterns between Chinese and U.S. children may be due to tissue level
differences inside the brain.
Our results showed that
global head volume increased linearly for both Chinese and U.S.
children, but at different rates. The patterns of head volume
development (Figure (Figure3)3) were quite similar with those of head length development (Figure (Figure2).2).
The greater head volume found in the U.S. children might be due to
their longer head length. Gender was also a factor: both Chinese and
U.S. males showed greater head volumes than females. Chinese and
American children showed different patterns of intracranial volume
development; however, these patterns differed with those of head volume
development. Chinese children showed larger intracranial volumes than
U.S. cohorts, and males showed larger volumes than females. This
dissociation may be caused by differences in the developmental
trajectories of brain tissue (GM, WM, CSF) between these two
populations. Since head volume includes other tissues (e.g., bones,
skull), intracranial volume may be more informative in predicting brain
Our volumetric measurements of brain
volume, GM, and WM development indicated that there are similarities and
differences between Chinese and U.S. children's brain development. The
global effects of age found in Chinese and U.S. participants were
consistent with previous volumetric studies with Chinese and U.S.
children (Giedd et al., 1996b, 1999; Guo et al., 2007; Lenroot et al., 2007).
Specifically, our finding that the development of total cerebral volume
followed an inverted U-shape for Chinese children peaking at early
adolescence was consistent with previous findings with U.S. children
(Lenroot et al., 2007). Chinese children's GM (inverted U) and WM (linear) developmental patterns (Figure (Figure4)4) are similar to the findings for U.S. children reported in this study and previous research (Giedd et al., 1999; Lenroot et al., 2007).
One difference regarding the patterns of the GM development is that GM
development in the Chinese children peaked later than the U.S. children.
No overall nationality effect was found on WM; however, there was an
interaction of age and nationality on WM development, such that U.S.
children had larger WM volume than Chinese children after 10 years of
age. Our findings for cortical GM and WM development mostly mirror the
patterns of overall GM and WM development, such that age and nationality
affect the development of the cerebral cortex. The patterns of global
GM and cortical GM development are more consistent with intracranial and
brain volume development than WM development. One possible explanation
is that due to the overall greater proportion of GM than WM proportion
in the brain (see Figure Figure4),4),
GM development has a stronger influence on children's brain
developmental patterns. This may also explain why Chinese children had
larger GM but smaller WM volumes than U.S. children and had larger
intracranial volumes than U.S. cohorts.
The growth of
brain lobes in Chinese children was partially comparable with that of
North American children. Chinese temporal lobe GM development pattern
mirrored previous findings from U.S. children, with linear increases
from childhood (8 years) to adolescence (16 years). Parietal lobe GM
development in Chinese children showed an overall reduction from
childhood to adolescence, which is also consistent with previous
findings from U.S. (Giedd et al., 1999) and Chinese children (Guo et al., 2007).
Frontal GM development showed a linear decline in Chinese children,
which is inconsistent with previous studies that reported nonlinear
developmental patterns peaking around puberty in U.S. children (Giedd et
al., 1999; Lenroot et al., 2007).
Our U.S. participants failed to show clear patterns of temporal and
parietal lobe GM development. A possible cause for this is the uneven
number of male and female participants. The finding that Chinese
children have higher levels of GM in temporal and occipital regions than
American children may be the reason why Chinese children were found to
have greater total brain volume and cortical GM volume than U.S.
Finally, we compared 50 cortical structures segmented using the LONI Probabilistic Brain Atlas (LPBA40, Shattuck et al., 2008).
Volumetric comparisons between Chinese and U.S. children showed that
more than half (30/50) of these brain structures were significantly
different (p < 0.05) between Chinese and U.S. children's
brains. The majority (21/30) of these distinct regions are consistent
with Tang et al.'s (2010)
study with adults. The gyri in the temporal, occipital, and
orbitofrontal regions showed consistent differences in volume between
Chinese and U.S. populations for both children and adults. Some
structures (e.g., cingulate gyri, insular cortex) were not different for
the Chinese and U.S. children in this study, but were different in
adults (Tang et al., 2010).
It is possible that some of these areas show differential growth in
late adolescence or early adulthood, accounting for the differences
between our data and Tang et al.'s (2010)
results. The inverted U-shaped developmental patterns and different
ages of peak volume for most of these brain structures are in accord
with the differences seen in global GM and intracranial development
between Chinese and U.S. children. Nationality had a significant effect
on most of the GM volume comparisons for these 50 brain structures.
These volumetric findings suggest that there is a need for
population-specific (e.g., Chinese/Asian children) atlases in both
structural and functional neuroimaging studies of brain structures.
were unable to conduct an extensive examination of gender differences
due to the unequal distribution of gender across age in the data of
Chinese children. In the current study, we had limited numbers of female
Chinese subjects for the first several age groups. Gender is an
important factor in the delineation of brain structures for children and
adolescents (Giedd et al., 1999; Sowell et al., 2004; Lenroot et al., 2007).
Previous studies have shown that there are gender differences in brain
development of U.S. children. Therefore, we would expect that future
research with even number of males and females in each age might find
interaction between gender, nationality, and age.
the best of our knowledge, this study is the first that directly
compares brain development between Asian and North American children.
Our findings showed global and regional differences in both
morphological and volumetric/anatomical brain development between the
two populations. The Chinese children's brain was found to have
different shape and size compared to U.S. children. Since we found many
of these differences in our youngest age groups, this implies that these
features already are different in younger children. Overall, Chinese
children show similar global GM and WM development patterns to US
children; however, Chinese children seem to have more GM but less WM
(from puberty to adolescence) than US children. Measurements and
comparisons for regional GM and 50 cortical structures support the
detected global differences by showing detailed differences between
these two populations. Both dissimilarities of genetics and
environmental exposures might lead to these brain anatomical differences
between Chinese and U.S. children; however, how much these factors
contribute to the difference we found is unknown. Some of the brain
areas that detected as being anatomically different in this study have
shown robust functional differences in language processing between
Chinese and Caucasian adult subjects (Kochunov et al., 2003; Kuo et al., 2003).
Therefore, these anatomical differences detected between Chinese and
U.S. children might lead to functional differences as well. Future
research may investigate the effects of differences in brain anatomy on
cognitive development (e.g., learning skills, language ability,
attention, and memory development) in Chinese and American children and
adolescents. Because Chinese children's brain structures mature at
different rates than their American peers', they may have a different
cognitive developmental trajectory, which would be an important
consideration for East Asian educational systems. These anatomical
differences between Chinese and U.S. children suggest the necessity for
population-specific brain/head templates and atlas, and data processing
and analyzing for neuroimaging research with Chinese/Asian children and
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