Stereotype of intelligence
Variation in intelligence
The general East Asian population in East Asia on average score 5 to 10 points higher on normally distributed IQ (sd = 15) tests [1] than that of the general white population; despite the low human development index in some East Asian nations, and prevalent malnutrition. [2] Some scholars believe that this disparity of average IQ is due to genetic differences,[3][4][5] although the topic of race and intelligence is extremely controversial and hotly debated. Even using IQ tests to determine a person's intelligence is controversial. A correlating but exaggerated and overgeneralized attribution of academic intelligence to the Asian race pervades American popular culture.
Asians are narrowminded
Furthermore, the Asian population is prejudiced to have little variation in intelligence and performance on IQ tests by many whites. [6] [7] This is related to the stereotype that the Asian population is monolithic and genetically homogeneous, and lacking in diversity. [8] Although the stereotype of Asian intelligence exists in the public consciousness and popular culture, it is also promoted on Web forums and websites by white supremacist groups. White supremacists promote the idea that Asians have little variation in intelligence compared to whites in order to "prove" that whites are better than Asians by rote of having more white geniuses than Asian geniuses.
The stereotype of homogeneous IQ is based in part on the fact that China had no industrial revolution and scientific revolution despite the wealth, prosperity, stability and technological superiority it had in the 1600s. Therefore, some believe that Asian countries did not have enough Asians geniuses for innovation[9] (although many "geniuses" have low IQ. For instance, the Nobel Prize Laureates, Richard Feynman and Francis Crick have an IQ of 'only' 125[10] and 115[11] respectively).
The Industrial revolution and intelligence
If the failure of China to start its own Industrial Revolution were due to intelligence levels this would not explain Chinese superiority in the 1600รข€™s. A reason frequently given is to do with Christianity. Christianity at the time of the European Enlightenment taught that the physical world operated through fixed laws seen as God ordained. The universe does work through fixed laws. When the Europeans got this one point right they were better able to start technological development.
Higher standard deviations
Nevertheless, some studies have shown that the population of East Asians in the United States actually have a higher standard deviation (sd=15.4, mean=106) in IQ than whites in the United States (sd=14.7, mean=101.4), in a normally distributed WAIS IQ test (standard deviation=15, mean/median/mode=100).[12] [13] Some scholars believe that this disparity of average IQ is due to genetic differences,[14][15][16]
See also: Race and intelligence
Also, in a study involving individuals in the United States that scored over 164 on an IQ test, 20% were Asians.[17]
Some believe that the reason that Asians have a higher IQ than whites is because of their culture. Whites appear to not "encourage" intelligence, but encourages social life, sports, etc. This is questionable. Martial Arts are very important in the culture of for example Japan. Physical fitness helps people make the most of their intelligence. Therefore, some white supremacists think that whites can exceed Asians in intelligence, and probably anything, if the culture of whites was changed to "encourage" intelligence as the same as Asians. [18] [19] White supremacists are accused of trying to fit the facts to their theories.
Some whites think that the IQ is of Asians just have a "slight" advantage. They do not, however, account the factors that lower the IQ of Asians, including the low human development index and malnutrition prevalent in East Asian nations. [20] Also, fluoride poisoning, prevalent in East Asian countries, affects 45 million Chinese people. [21] [22] These studies show that the average IQ of Chinese children that have exposed to fluoride-poisoned drinking water score 9-15 points lower than the average. [23]
About 34% of Chinese children have above average lead levels. [24] About one billion Chinese have iodine deficiency.[25] However, their IQs are 105, which is still higher than whites.
Some people believe that less intelligent races cannot produce more geniuses than more intelligent races, due to their 'lower racial stock'.[26] However, this contradicts to the stereotype that Asians have homogeneous intelligence.
This is equivalent to the statement "Blacks have lower IQ than whites but blacks have more variation in intelligence so there are more black geniuses." This is clearly false and whites would assume the white and Asian argument true: "Whites have lower IQ than Asians but whites have more variation in intelligence so there are more white geniuses."
Why? Because they are biased.
Another example: Whites have better spatial navigation skills depite that Asians are proven to have one standard deviation higher IQ. This statement isn't contradictory per se, but this is false. The truth is that Asians have better spatial navigation skills than whites.
The reason that whites assume that Asians have lower spatial navigation skills is that they self-test their IQ without taking any test and assume that Asians cannot do it. This is pure prejudice.
However, they deny tests because conventional IQ tests do not test spatial navigation skills.
Lack of creativity and innovation
There is another stereotype that Asians are perceived as not creative and technologically innovative, even though they invented things widely used today, such as paper and gunpowder.[27][28] They are sometimes stereotyped as being intrapersonal and less "open" than others, such as blacks and Hispanics. [29] [30] [31] The stereotype of lack of creativity is based in part on the fact that China had no industrial revolution and scientific revolution despite the wealth, prosperity, stability and technological superiority it had in the 1600s.
Even though many electronics are from Japan, some still believe that Asians cannot innovate new electronics, but they copy the electrical machinery from whites. Therefore, some think that Asians are excellent copiers and imitators (see monkey see, monkey do)--they copied inventions such as the television that is invented by whites. For example, some televisions are made from Asians, but Asians did not invent it; they stole the invention from whites.[32][33] Combined with the stereotype of homogeneity of Asians; the maxim appeared on several white Supremacist websites: "whites are the best civilization builders, Asians are the best civilization maintainers."[34][35][36][37][38] A recent study has attempted to refute this stereotype.[39]
Many argue against the stereotype that Asians are not creative by citing the fact that the Chinese invented paper, the compass, gunpowder, printing, and others.
Some argue that Asian languages curb creativity, because the logographic characters in East Asian languages represent ideas more concrete than words. Oriental languages focus on holistic, practical and particular, contrasting to the more abstract, analytical, theoretical and linear Western words. Therefore, some assume that the use of only these logographic characters for communication curbs abstract thinking capabilities. [40][41] Even syllabic words such as Kana, Kanji, Hangul and even Vietnamese are still considered more concrete than Western words. [42]
Further information: Linguistic determinism and language of thought
Some critics argue that the logographic characters in Asian languages improve spatial reasoning, and this is an explanation of the higher scores on mathematics tests.[43][44][45] However, a few studies mentioned that native born Asian Americans and adopted Asian Americans perform above-average on IQ tests, even though they did not learn to read and write Chinese characters.[46][47][48]
Cultural factors
One study has suggested that the reason there was no industrial revolution was because of the high level equilibrium trap.[49][50] It has also been suggested that the type of governments did not encourage inventions.[51] Social and cultural factors might have prevented the onset of an industrial revolution.[52] Furthermore, some argue that Eurocentrism in textbooks exaggerates European contributions to society, while overlooking contributions from non-Western civilizations.
Some educational systems in East Asia, such as education in the People's Republic of China, do not promote creativity. The educational method mainly focuses on rote learning instead of creative problem solving.[53]
Many "geniuses" have low IQ. For instance, the Nobel Prize Laureates, Richard Feynman and Francis Crick have an IQ of 'only' 125[54] and 115[55] respectively. Therefore, this does not explain that Asians have no geniuses is because of their homogeneity in IQ.
See Effects of neurotoxins in skin whitening products
Rejection of cultural factors
Some are not influenced because cultural factors prevented innovation. They will only believe that Asians are innovative until they see it. [56]
Some supremacists often compare other East Asian nations with the developed nation Japan to predict the East Asian potential. Some do not believe the reason that there are no Asian innovators is because its economy is undeveloped. Because Japan has a highly developed economy, they will compare Japan with other East Asian nations. They believe that even when Japan has a highly developed economy, Japan does not have innovators. They will conclude that the economy is not a reason because Japan has a highly developed economy but no innovators. Therefore, they will further believe that all other nations will not have innovators even if their economy grew to be developed. [57] This method of comparing the Japanese with other East Asians is based on the stereotype of homogeneity of Asians. However, they do not account other factors such as education by rote learning and languages in East Asia that curb creativity.
Some do not believe that Asians are uncreative because of communism. They will mention that the Soviet Union, despite its communist government, competed with the United States, such as the Space Race. They will also mention that the People's Republic of China stole the Soviet Union's weapons because Asians do not know how to design them. [58] However, they failed to mention the differences between the governments of Soviet Union and the PRC; and the level of economic development before their communist takeovers.
Eurocentrism in education made people not recognize Asian geniuses.
Some estimate the intelligence of nations by comparing the number of "geniuses" in distinct nations. For instance, some claim that there are less "Asian" geniuses than white geniuses. However, contradictory results can be concluded by comparing different races in nations. For example, there are much less (percentage wise) Asian Nobel Prize winners than non-Ashkenazi whites in Asia, yet there are more Asian-American (percentage wise) Nobel Prize winners than non-Ashkenazi whites in the U.S. Therefore, comparing different races within a country is suggested to get best results.
A popular stereotype of Asians is that they succeed at mathematics and science in school. The SAT test scores proves that Asians are score higher in mathematics, but it is an over-generalization of all Asians; since Southeast Asians, South Asian and Pacific Islanders are included; and possibly avoids cultural factors.
Asians are stereotyped only good at a few specific tasks, such as mathematics and science, but not as good in more general tasks nor worldly wise as whites do. Some skills, such as leadership and language skills, are frequently stereotyped as scoring below whites. Many Asians are non-English speaking immigrants who speak with a heavy accent. [59] Japaese society is highly strutured with leaders and followers. Followers tend to obey orders without question. Leadership in Japan requires different skills from Western leadership. Scores in leadership may reflect the skills which a person has learned in his/her culture. Westerners will do best in tests devised by other Westerners.
However, Lynn tested that the Japanese verbal IQ is 101.4, which is still above whites (Lynn, 2006, pp. 121-148).
The SAT scores on Asians and Pacific Islanders reveal that Asians and Pacific Islanders score higher in the critical reading section than whites. [60] For instance, while 99+ percentile of whites score 800 on critical reading SAT, 99 percentile of Asians and Pacific Islanders score 800. Note that Asians include East Asians, South Asians and Southeast Asians. South Asians, Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders who score much lower than East Asians, drag down the Asian and Pacific Islander scores significantly. Some will say a few percentiles is only a small advantage for East Asians, but the South Asians, Southeast Asians and the Pacific Islanders significantly drags down the East Asian scores to scores "similar" to whites. That is, the East Asian critical reading scores will be significantly higher if the South Asians, Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders are taken out of the group. Note that "white" group includes Ashkenazi Jews, which have high verbal scores. (see Ashkenazi intelligence)
Some suggest that Asians are robots programmed by parents to excel in math, science and engineering. [61]
Some suggest that Asians are very good at playing some musical instruments, but cannot compose (see Stereotypes of creativity and innovation).
Some think that Japanese people are smarter than Koreans, who are smarter than Chinese. Some believe it because Japan is the furthest distance from Africa (see Single-origin hypothesis). Also, some think the Chinese are like the stereotypically less-intelligent Indians due to their relative proximity to India. Similarly Chinese South Africans are classified as Indians during the Apartheid era. [62] It is untrue since Shanghai has an average IQ of 109.4 when Japan has an average IQ of 105. [63]
The above suggests that racists are trying with increasing desperation to fit the facts to the theory that whites are better.
Cultural factors
Some Asians take education seriously. They often focus on [64] education of their children. However, studies shown that malnutritioned Korean children that are adopted naturally have higher IQ. [65]
Variation within intelligence
According to the book IQ and Global Inequality, the IQs of Japan and Korea are slightly lower than that of China and Hong Kong. This is contrary to the stereotype that Japanese and Koreans are smarter than Chinese. The average IQ of the Han population varies little between north and south.
Studies have suggested that the iodine deficiency in China may drop their IQ 10-15 points. [67] Japanese and Koreans intake more iodine, but they have lower IQ. In fact, the Japanese have iodine overdose. This is further evidence that the Chinese IQ may be ten points higher than the estimated average of 109.
In fact, in the book wikipedia:IQ and Global Ineqality, Shanghai has an IQ of 109.4 and Hong Kong has an IQ of 108.
In Hong Kong and Singapore, water is fluordinated. Flouride poisoning is also prevalent in China. [68] Studies have suggested that water flouridation decreases IQ up to 10 points. [23]. Additionally, iodine deficiency in Hong Kong and China can decrease IQ up to 15 points. [69] Therefore, the average Chinese IQ of 109 can be increased up to 25 points if water flouridation and iodine deficiency were eliminated, to 134!
Both iodine deficiency and fluoride poisoning eliminates thyroid function, which inhibit physical growth. This may explain the reason of many stunted Chinese people.
Additionally, fluoride is released in large amounts in steel mills, coal burning and brick manufacturers in China. [70] [71] Hydrogen flouride, the most toxic type of fluoride, is the 3rd major pollutant in coal burning plants. [72] The rise of pollution in China, especially in its cities, decreases the intelligence of Chinese people. The Shanghai average IQ of 109.4 would theoretically raise to 140 if all fluoride and pollutants were eliminated.
India's IQ, as listed from various sources such as wikipedia:IQ and Global Inequality, has a low IQ of 81. It is said that this is due to iodine deficiency. Additionally, Richard Lynn has shown that the average IQ of Indians in the United Kingdom have an average IQ of 97, which is 17 points higher. This also shows that iodine deficiency can produce great drops in intelligence, and that the Chinese IQ may be higher.
Historically, some of the Japanese mixed with the Ainu peoples, a native on the island. Ainus are on average less intelligent than Japanese. Japanese's iodine overdose from too much seafood may reduce their IQs. Evidence also suggest that they have mixed with some Pacific Islanders, which might explain their Caucasoid facial shape. They have an average IQ of 105, which is much lower than the estimated average of 106 for South Koreans and 109 for Chinese.
Evidence suggest that South Koreans have Southeast Asian admixture in their blood. They also suggested that they have mixed with Native Americans. [73] This may be the cause of their relatively dark skin of some, their average IQ of 106, according to the IQ and Global Inequality, and of their flat shape of their faces.
Southern Asians
Non-Han Southeast Asians have significant lower IQs than even whites (an average of 89, according to Race Differences in Intelligence. Also, Southeast Asian Americans have significantly less sucessfulness than whites. Some non-Han Southern Chinese (such as Hmong peoples) have significantly lower IQ than the Han population. This may be the effect of intermixing between East Asians and the Negrito and Austronesian populations residing in Indochina.
If there are differences in average intelligence between Asians and whites these differences are small. Careful scientific studies reveal nothing conclusive. Differences in intelligence between individuals far exceed any differences in average intelligence that may or may not exist. Speculation about race and intelligence is potentially very harmful. People stereotyped as less intelligent lose confidence and achieve less than their potential.
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